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The Problem with Thyroid TSH Testing

When my thyroid TSH levels were "normal," I was tired and puffy. My body temperature was 95.5, and I wore a size 12.

When my thyroid TSH levels are "low," I have energy and am no longer puffy. My body temperature was 98.6, and I wear a size 6.

The problem wasn't me. The real problem was an under-active thyroid and my doctors kept missing it. That's because they were only testing my TSH levels and it took decades to discover TSH testing is unreliable.

That seems shocking, I know. How could some doctors use an unreliable lab test? Well, if you consider that the TSH was developed in the 1970s, based on a study of less than 100 people, it starts to make sense. 

If you also consider that the third highest leading cause of death in the USA is medical error, the idea that doctors may be wrong about TSH testing seems possible. 

That's what happened to me, and it's the reason I gained over 40 during pregnancy and never lost the baby weight. It's the reason I had fatigue, brain fog, constipation, dry skin and hair, low body temperature, and other hypothyroid symptoms but my thyroid lab results were "normal."

Do you have hypothyroid symptoms but "normal" TSH levels? Are doctors telling you you’re "fine"—that you don't thyroid issues? Are you frustrated with unexplained symptoms and no end in sight? 

Here’s everything you need to know about battling undiagnosed hypothyroid disorder!

You’re not alone. While it's estimated that 5% of the population has been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, researchers estimate that another 5% suffer without a diagnosis. (1) That might not sound like a big number, but we’re talking about an estimated 15 million people who have undiagnosed hypothyroidism. And another 15 million people who are diagnosed based on the TSH but could still be suffering from hypothyroid symptoms because they are undertreated.

Why are so many people undiagnosed or undertreated?

There are many reasons why people go undiagnosed or undertreated with hypothyroidism. Part of the problem is that the symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, weight gain, and low body temperature are easy to dismiss or misdiagnose. 

Some doctors won’t take you seriously when you complain about being tired or experiencing brain fog. They’ll tell you to get more sleep, eat better, exercise more and send you home with nothing more than a medical bill and a prescription for antidepressants or sleeping pills. 

To make matters worse, western medicine has a history of overlooking women’s health issues, and hypothyroidism is more common in women. Many women report that doctors simply don’t listen to their concerns. 

Hypothyroidism can also be triggered by pregnancy or having a baby—times when you might experience symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, and weight gain. Doctors might dismiss your worries and say your symptoms come with the territory. 

In other words, you have an uphill battle to begin with when it comes to getting a hypothyroidism diagnosis. But even if a doctor does take your concerns seriously and agrees to proceed with testing, you might not get diagnosed. That’s because the standard thyroid lab (TSH) test is unreliable. 

Let’s talk about the infamous TSH test. This is the first and often only test doctors order when they suspect thyroid issues. The problem? The TSH test isn’t accurate. 

In fact, according to experts, the TSH test may miss 98 out of 100 cases. (3) 

Why? Theoretically, the TSH test measures the amount of thyroid-stimulating hormone in your blood. But it operates off of a range—a range that is far too wide. Your thyroid hormones, T3 and T4, could be out of the “optimal” level and still test within the "normal" TSH range. (4)

To top it off, many factors can affect the TSH test—including time of day when the test was taken, supplements like biotin or iodine, inflammation, stress, and other factors. 

The bottom line? The TSH test is causing too many people undiagnosed because it isn’t the best measure for thyroid issues. 

A much better way to diagnose hypothyroidism accurately is to get a full thyroid lab panel, which includes Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, TSH (only as a reference range) and antibody levels (for those with autoimmune thyroid disorders). 

Another reason why comprehensive thyroid testing is necessary is that if you suffer from hypothyroidism, most likely you also have a mineral deficiency and don't know it. 

Your body, and your thyroid, require specific minerals to make thyroid hormones and use them efficiently. Without the right minerals, your thyroid can’t do its job—it has no way to give you energy and regulate your metabolism. 

When you don't get enough minerals, your thyroid may slow down, leading to hypothyroidism and the dreaded symptoms that come along with it. But the problem is the TSH test doesn’t test for mineral deficiency. 

Many doctors are also misguided when it comes to minerals and thyroid issues—they might believe that iodine causes hypothyroidism which couldn’t be further from the truth.

The thyroid requires iodine—it’s one of the most crucial minerals your body needs to keep your thyroid functioning properly. Without it, your body can’t make thyroid hormones. 

This is another reason why the right testing and the proper education about your thyroid are so important. You can’t leave your health in the hands of a doctor who doesn’t understand your condition and diagnosis you based on a lousy TSH test! 

By now, you’re probably starting to notice how dangerous it is to listen to misinformation. Not only do the myths about thyroid health keep people from being diagnosed—but they also actively contribute to hypothyroidism and thyroid struggles! 

If you suffer from hypothyroidism symptoms and have been told your TSH is normal, you could be one of the 15,000,000 mineral deficient, undiagnosed thyroid patients who are suffering for no reason. 

It’s not your fault. You listened to your body, and you trusted your doctor but your doctor isn't listening to you. 

When you arm yourself with the right knowledge, you can become your own advocate, making it easier to get the right testing and

treatment plan including restoring your mineral levels.

If you are looking for the ultimate program for upgraded thyroid performance, check out my Thyroid Supplement Bundle. ⁣

It's not a quick fix. You won't lose 20 LBS in a month. It will take your commitment to the process. ⁣

But if you use the supplements and follow my method, I guarantee you will get measurable results and feel better. The supplements are formulated to help: ⁣

✅ Make thyroid hormones ⁣

✅ Improve T4 thyroid conversion⁣

✅ Reduce inflammation⁣

✅ Improve body temperature⁣

✅ Boost energy and focus⁣

✅ And a lot more!⁣

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