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HypoHero™ Thyroid Protocol Starter Bundle

Thiodine Total Iodine Complex, Iodine & Iodide Liquid

Thyroconvert Thyroid T4 to T3 Booster, Capsule

Halodetox Thyroid Detox Powder & Adrenal Booster

Free Shipping USA

AGE 29 to 35

AGE 50


I suffered from undiagnosed hypothyroidism for 35 years of my life. It robbed me of my youth, energy, confidence, and happiness.And for no reason! 

All because of inaccurate TSH lab testing and doctors who wouldn't listen.

Like so many women, my thyroid condition got worse after pregnancy. 

As a new mom, it's easy to assume the fatigue, weight gain, and brain fog are the "trade-offs" of having children. But it's simply not true.

At age 34, my weight was going up and up, even though I ate healthily. 

The fatigue was so awful I dreaded everyday activities like walking up a flight of stairs or grocery shopping. 

When I washed my hair, my arms would get so tired and heavy. I had to rest in the shower. That's not normal!

Even though I knew something was wrong, I didn't know what or how to get help. That's where my journey began and how Miss Lizzy started.

Today at 50, I am so grateful to God for giving me the strength to find answers and guide me to good health and I am so thankful I took charge of my health didn't give up on myself. 

Thyroid function is so vital for energy and happiness. You don't need to suffer

If you suspect you may be struggle with similar thyroid health issues I recommend you take this short quiz I've put together that will help you understand what kind of support your Thyroid needs.