Thiodine Questions
When we say you'd have a hard time finding a higher-quality iodine supplement, we mean it. We don't cut corners because your health is too important.
Quality Standards
Think of it this way. The term "iodine" is much like the term "coffee." It might sound like coffee is all the same, but it's not true. What differentiates Starbucks from your local coffee shop, Dunkin Donuts, or Folgers? The source, sustainability, manufacturing, roasting, and farming practices. The same is true for iodine.
Iodine grades range from something you might use in a chemistry lab or an aquarium to prescription-grade iodine for human use.
Mining Standards
Our Geologist explains it this way. When it comes to iodine mining and sustainability, there are different methods, grades, and quality standards. Outside of China, one of the largest producers of iodine is the Caliche mines in South America. Caliche iodine is often referred to as "Dirty Iodine" because the iodine does not meet USP Grade. Regarding sustainability, the Caliche mining method uses explosives to blast large areas of the Earth's crust and "scrape" the blasted material.
Manufacturing Standards
Just like in food production, there are licensing and quality standards. That's how you know it's safe to eat at your local restaurant. The FDA helps assure the identity, strength, quality, and purity through cGMP manufacturing dietary supplements.
CGMP stands for Current Good Manufacturing Practice, which assures you of control manufacturing operations, including quality management systems, obtaining appropriate quality raw materials, establishing robust operating procedures, detecting and investigating product quality deviations, and maintaining reliable testing laboratories,
That's why ingredients, sustainability, sourcing, manufacturing, state & local compliance, and certified quality set us apart. We can proudly and confidently say that Thiodine liquid is:
- Made under CGMP in the USA
- USP Grade, 99. 8% Pure Iodine
- Rigorously Tested
- Sustainably sourced from deep Earth USA mines
- Encoded with LOT # and Expiration Date for safety, traceability, and accountability
- Licensed & Insured
- Compliant with federal, state, and local regulation
Iodine is a vital nutrient utilized by every cell in the body. Thiodine has no wheat, dairy, corn, soy, sugar, sucrose, eggs, nuts, animal products, pesticides, harmful chemicals, artificial colors, preservatives, sweeteners, or sugar. It's also non-GMO. Thiodine is suitable for any diet, including Paleo, keto, and vegan-friendly. It's even iodine-allergy friendly. While it's not commonly known, iodine is not an allergan.
Iodine is an element that humans need for proper development and growth. Iodine is used by the thyroid gland to make essential hormones that support body functions. An iodine deficiency can result in serious health issues. Have you had a severe reaction after taking iodine? Are you wondering if you are allergic to iodine and whether or not you should take it?
First, it's important to understand that iodine isn’t an allergen. Iodine is found naturally in the body, so it doesn't trigger an allergic reaction. Iodine is a mineral that all humans need. If anything, iodine helps prevent allergic reactions. Read the blog article 3 Myths About Iodine Allergies (Some Doctors Don't Know).
Thiodine may boost energy so some people prefer to use it in the morning. Thiodine should always be diluted. Avoid mixing Thiodine with citrus or Vitamin C since the ascorbic acid may interfere with the iodine. The suggested serving size is 2 small drops in 8 ounces of water, coffee, or tea. Some people require more, others need less.
The suggested amount of two small drops is just a suggestion. Some people require less, others require more. The amount of iodine varies by individual.
According to customers, the "sweet spot" may be as much as 8-9 drops a day.†
❌ Don't put Thiodine directly in your mouth.
❌ Thiodine should always be diluted.
Thiodine contains potassium iodide, molecular iodine, and distilled water. The suggested serving is 2 small drops. Each serving contains approximately 10 MG of potassium iodide, of which 7.5 MG is the iodide component and 5 MG of molecular iodine, for approximately 12.5 MG of iodine per serving.
Each 1 oz bottle contains approximately 300 servings and lasts anywhere from 4-10 months or longer, depending on use. To dispense, hold the dropper straight down, not at an angle. Just so you know, a drop means a single drop, not a full dropper.
Thiodine comes from earth-mined iodine crystals in the USA. Our exclusive source of iodine is the highest quality, potency, and purity in a USP-grade supplement.
According to clinical experience, if there is a severe deficiency, 25-50mg may be needed to maximize the absorption and retention of iodine.† (1)
CAUTION: Never put Thiodine directly in the mouth or on the skin undiluted. Thiodine is meant to be diluted, as explained in the suggested use.
Yes, we order COAs for all of our supplements, and each production is batch tested.
The majority of our customers use our supplements along with their medications. It's helpful to understand how thyroid hormone production works.
The primary role of the thyroid gland is to help make thyroid hormones. These thyroid hormones are called T4 and T3, and they play a vital role in your energy, metabolism, immune function, reproductive health, and more.
When the thyroid gland isn't producing enough of these thyroid hormones, Hypothyroidism may develop. Here are some common symptoms of Hypothyroidism:
- Low body temperature
- Feeling cold
- Fatigue, exhaustion, low energy even with plenty of sleep
- Hormone imbalances
- Infertility
- Dry hair, skin, and nails
- Weight gain
- Thyroid goiter or nodules
The body requires adequate levels of iodine and selenium to make and convert thyroid hormones. Iodine helps the thyroid make thyroid hormones (mostly T4 and a little T3). The thyroid and liver require selenium to help convert T4 into T3 for energy and defend against free-radicals and oxidative stress.
Just like you need fuel and a key to drive your car. Iodine is like the fuel, and selenium is like the key. If your gas tank is empty, the car won't run. If you don't have a key, you can't drive. If you put the wrong fuel in the car, your engine will be in trouble.
Our supplements are formulated to support these processes:
- Thiodine helps make fuel, mostly T4.
- ThyroConvert provides the key convert T4 into T3
- HaloDetox helps remove thyroid-blocking halogens.
People who have low thyroid function may use medication, supplements, or a combination of both, depending on individual needs. When using our supplements, some of our customers stayed at their current medication dose; others needed to lower or adjust their medication. We are not recommending changing or going off medications without consulting your doctor. We always suggest working with a trained medical professional.
Most people know that the thyroid gland needs iodine, and while that's true, many don't know that every cell in the body needs iodine. That's trillions of cells. So if you're not getting iodine because you don't have a thyroid, it's essential to understand all the many processes that rely on this vital nutrient.
However, many people don't realize there are two types of iodine -- molecular iodine and potassium iodide -- each reaches different tissues in the body.
Potassium iodide travels through the NIS pathways to support the thyroid, hair, skin, and nails.
If you don't have a thyroid, it's true, supplements with potassium iodide will not be of much help. They may still have a benefit for the hair and skin.
However, molecular iodine travels to tissues in the breasts, ovaries, brain, pineal gland, pancreas, eyes, and other tissues that Potassium Iodide cannot reach.
That's why understanding the type of iodine is essential and supporting all the cells in the body, not just the thyroid.
For people who don't have a thyroid, the conversion of thyroid hormone T4 into the active T3 -- which happens primarily in the liver -- is another critical factor. Like having a gas tank fuel of full, you need a key to start the car.
Whether your body naturally makes thyroid hormones or gets them from medication, the body needs certain nutrients, specifically, adequate selenium, to help convert those hormones.
People respond differently to supplements. Here are examples from our customers:
Our customer, Kathy, a woman in her late 30s, recently told us she took two drops a day and felt great, but when she took three drops, she felt overstimulated similar to having too much caffeine.
Beth, a mom of three young kids, said she took six drops a day and felt her energy and mood had improved, her metabolism seemed to be improving, and she also felt her PMS and breast pain symptoms were improving.
Nancy, a woman in her 70s who had a range of health issues, said 12.5 MG of Thiodine was too strong for her and made her feel jittery. So she was splitting the tablets in half and taking them every other day.
Our customer Fred said he started with Miss Lizzy in 2014 and within two months noticed an increase in energy. Fred shared, "Not only has my energy picked up but my mental awareness has become better. I am playing better golf, playing my trumpet better, deep into studying music theory and learning to play the piano. See what Miss Lizzy's Iodine can do for an eighty-year-old man."
Cheryl B said: "I have Hashimoto's and have been on [iodine] for almost 7 years. One of the things I noticed is that my knees didn't bother me anymore. These days I take a fairly large maintenance dose--75mg/day (plus all the supplements). Every time I have tried to decrease it, I get achy knees again."
As you can see, these customer stories represent a range of experiences. We always recommend working with a medical practitioner to help find the right dose for you. When increasing iodine supplementation, some people may experience symptoms of halogen detox. Our HaloDetox powder is formulated to help.
According to the American Thyroid Association, iodine deficiency in the diet leads to goiter, thyroid nodules, and hypothyroidism† (11). Iodine Deficiency Disorder affects up to 2 billion people worldwide. (11)
The research suggests iodine supplementation in the diet may help reduce goiter and nodules (11), so that could be great news for some.
However, there are some instances where iodine may not be appropriate, such as a thyroid condition called an "Autonomous Thyroid Nodule" or a "Hot Nodule."
According to the research, an autonomous thyroid nodule is a localized nodular lesion of the thyroid, detected through a proper medical examination. An autonomous thyroid nodule is rare in the USA and appears linked to childhood iodine deficiency.
The growth, iodine uptake, and function of an autonomous thyroid nodule are independent of TSH control. Meaning, it's kind of a rogue nodule that does what it wants and doesn't know when to stop. (14)
Unlike a "regular thyroid nodule" that uses iodine to make amounts of thyroid hormones and self-regulates, an autonomous thyroid nodule can't effectively regulate iodine intake, which may result in a flood of thyroid hormones.
Luckily, as mentioned, an autonomous thyroid nodule is rare in the USA. But all the more reason to talk with your doctor and make sure you don't have an autonomous thyroid nodule before starting iodine.
Let's address the elephant in the room. What you've read about iodine and Hashimoto's is probably inaccurate.
Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation about Iodine and Hashimoto's which leads people to avoid this vital nutrient. The issue with Hashimoto's is not the Iodine specifically, it's the oxidative stress which occurs when your body makes thyroid hormones.
Whether you have Hashimoto's or not, iodine is vital to human health. In addition to the thyroid gland, every cell in the body requires iodine. Did you know the pancreas, ovaries, uterus, breast tissue, prostate, brain, pineal gland, stomach, salivary glands and tear ducts (lacrimal glands) all need iodine? Iodine provides fuel for trillions of cells.
Many people with Hashimoto's have been scared away from iodine unnecessarily. According to the research and patient experiences, Iodine may safe and effective for people with Hashimoto's when used in the right way.†
When starting a high potency iodine supplement like Thiodine, some people may experience tightness or a swelling sensation in the thyroid area of the throat. It may be a short-term reaction, we call "stockpiling."
If the thyroid has been deficient in iodine (in some cases for a long time), and you start a high potency supplement like Thiodine, the thyroid may "overindulge" on iodine.
While stockpiling is not a clinical term, it gives you an idea of what might when the thyroid gets excited about the new iodine and tries to save it for future use.
Similar to if you were very hungry and went to a buffet, you might have a hard time resisting all the food. As a result you might over-eat and feel stuffed. The thyroid gland can overindulge, too. Similar to digestion, the stockpile of iodine may naturally work itself out.
The thyroid requires iodine to make thyroid hormones. Under normal conditions, the thyroid gland can have as much as 15 MG of iodine, and that's not counting the rest of this body -- ovaries have the next highest concentration. So iodine is essential for the entire body. But the thyroid is first in line at the buffet.
If the thyroid is Stockpiling, once it realizes it doesn't need to eat a week's worth of iodine in one sitting, it will release the iodine to the rest of the body.
So a swelling sensation or tightness in the thyroid area of the throat that occurs after starting iodine supplementation might be Stockpiling. But it could be something else, so if the sensation persists or you are concerned at all, please always consult a medical practitioner (ideally one who specializes in iodine).
Iodine Patch Test
With the Iodine Patch Test, doctors simply paint a patch of iodine on your skin and check the results 24 hours later. The patch will fade after 24 hours if you are not iodine deficient. If the patch fades quicker than 24 hours, then you are likely deficient. This test is relatively quick, inexpensive, and fun. However, it isn't particularly accurate because iodine will naturally evaporate when exposed to air. The evaporation rate will vary depending on humidity, temperature, and sunlight. As a result, the Iodine Patch Test may not provide precise measurement of whole-body iodine saturation.
24-Hour Urine Iodine Loading Test
The 24-hour Iodine Loading Test is a method that measures how much iodine the body excretes in the urine during a 24 hour period. However, there are potential flaws with the Iodine 24-Hour Loading Test. The loading test requires taking a very high dose of iodine which might be too much for a starting amount. According to patient experiences, if a person has been deficient in iodine, the Iodine Loading Test might provide inaccurate results.
Dry Urine Test
ZRT Lab offers the Iodine Dry Urine test which can be ordered from their website. The Iodine Dry Urine test may provide the most accurate measure of iodine levels.
Iodism or chronic iodine poisoning is rarely seen. Iodism may occur with long-term therapy, intentional overdose, rapid use of high doses of potassium iodide, or accidental consumption of a tincture of iodine. Tinctures of Iodine is an alcohol-based product that's poisonous and meant for topical use only (as noted on the bottle).
Whereas, Thiodine is an aqueous (water) based, non-poisonous solution of iodine and iodine that can be used internally.†
According to clinical research, physiologic doses of iodine/iodide ranging from 6.25-50mg/day has positive results with minimal side effects. Mild but rare Iodism symptoms may include a metallic taste in the mouth, increased salivation, and sinus pain or pressure, which may be resolved by lowering the iodine dose and waiting 1-3 weeks. (1). In the event of an iodine overdose, seek medical attention.
People who have a rare condition called a toxic thyroid nodule, and for anyone starting an iodine supplement, should always consult a medical professional.
Thyroconvert Questions
According to research and patient experience, selenium may be a vital nutrient for people with Hashimoto's, especially when supplementing with an iodine supplement like Thiodine. Selenium plays a vital role in thyroid hormone creation because it helps protects the thyroid from oxidative damage, as well as convert thyroid hormones into energy.
Some experts recommend taking a physiological dose of selenium of 200 mcg-400 mcg/day. Of course, we always recommend working with a medical practitioner and doing what's right for you.
For those with Hashimoto's and MTHFR, continue to the next question for more information.
Some people with markers for the MTHFR C667T and A1298C have reported issues in methylation or the process of "breaking things down for use or removal." (5) When the MTHFR genes are working correctly, the body can break down minerals for use and removal more effectively. When the MTHFR genes are not working effectively, some people might experience high iron levels with low ferritin, and high levels of B12, folate, and selenium.
That's why it's important to periodically test selenium levels and work with a medical professional experienced in genetics and MTHFR.
The amount of selenium in brazil nuts and other foods can vary a lot based on the soil nutrients, just like the Goiter Belt's low levels of iodine. In other countries where Brazil nuts are grown, the selenium content of the soil and farming conditions can vary quite a lot. For this reason, food sources may be unreliable sources of selenium. When it comes to health issues like Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism, "in-range" selenium levels seem to play a significant role. Personally, and for my family, I want to be precise about my selenium intake.†
For some people, possibly. Like anything in life and health, the key is finding what's "just right" for your unique needs. At doses greater than 900 mcg/day and chronically high intake, research suggests selenium toxicity is possible. Selenium toxicity symptoms may include gastrointestinal upset, tremors, dermatitis, fatigue, irritability, garlic odor of the breath, abnormal nails, hair loss, and peripheral neuropathy. Treatment of high levels of selenium may involve reducing selenium consumption. (6,7). Thyroconvert contains 200 mcg per serving, which is considered a safe, physiological dose †
Yes, there are several testing options for selenium levels though each seems to have it's limitations.
RBC Selenium
The RBC test measures serum selenium levels in the blood. Typically the RBC is ordered through a doctor's office and may be covered by insurance. According to patient groups, the ideal selenium level will be at the upper end of the lab's reference range. If selenium levels are mid to low within the range, selenium supplementation may be beneficial.
However, some people find selenium beneficial even if their RBC results are higher.
SEPP1 Test
SEPP1 stands for Selenoprotein P, and research suggests the “SEPP 1 plasma concentration is the best easily accessible marker of human selenium nutritional status.” It's a protein that allows selenium to be bioavailable in the body, meaning how much our body uses it. Some experts feel the SEPP1 results are more meaningful than RBC selenium levels. (1)
Hair and Nail Test
Another popular method for evaluating mineral levels, including selenium, is through the lab testing of hair and nail clippings which can be done through some walk-in labs.
We are not aware of interactions between our supplements and medications, but please consult your doctor or pharmacist for advice.
Yes, we order COAs for all of our supplements, and each production is batch tested.
Halodetox Questions
Packed with more than 80 trace minerals, Halodetox combines traditional, artisanal salt mining methods with the most advanced cleaning technology to produce this exclusive high-purity, unrefined pink salt dietary supplement†. Made with quick-dissolve sodium chloride, Halodetox is formulated to help bind to free-floating halogens, gently detox†, support adrenal function†, and restore hydration.†
Compared to common types of salt you might find at the supermarket -- including "Himalayan" salt -- there are vast differences in quality, purity, cleaning technology, sustainability, testing, and manufacturing.
Our exclusive single-source salt is carried out of the mines by hand, crushed, rinsed, and screened before coming to the USA. Once it arrives in the USA, Halodetox undergoes the most technologically advanced cleaning process available, which removes impurities down to the particle level.
Halodetox is third-party tested for fluoride, metals, and dynamite residue (a possible by-product of some mining methods). Often a concern with pink salt, our fluoride testing threshold is less than a fraction of one part per million, so we feel confident that fluoride is not a concern with Halodetox.
Click here to read the third-party COA for Halodetox.
Every cell in the body has a receptor made for iodine, just like an outlet. Iodine is a vital nutrient, essential for health and wellness. When there aren't sufficient amounts of iodine, the cells will take anything that looks like fuel, specifically other halogens.
Bromine, chlorine, and fluoride are part of the halide family, along with iodine, but that doesn't mean all halogens work the same way in your body.
If you put diesel fuel in an unleaded engine, it would wreck your car. The same goes for bromine, chlorine, and fluoride when they try to replace iodine.
The research suggests that bromine, chlorine, and fluoride are endocrine disruptors(7) because they impair thyroid hormone production. Low thyroid function is associated with various health issues, including slower metabolism, fatigue, sleep, fertility issues, reproductive health issues, and more.
It's hard to avoid bromine, chlorine, and fluoride in daily life. Luckily there are strategies to deal with these endocrine-disrupting halogens, including getting sufficient amounts of iodine and supporting healthy detox pathways.
Halogen detox may cause uncomfortable for some people, while others may not experience any issues. Symptoms of halogen detox might include:
- Headache
- Runny nose
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Cherry angiomas (bromine)
- Sore breasts (bromine)
- Dream changes
- Sensitivity to light
- Reflex changes
- Increased sweating
- Tight feeling in the throat
- Upset stomach
We always recommend working with a medical practitioner, ideally one who has experience with iodine supplementation and detox. If you do find yourself experiencing detox, Halodetox is formulated to help ease these symptoms quickly.
After starting Thiodine, some people may experience symptoms of halogen detox. Please see our Halogen Detox article to learn more. Halogen Detox may be easily managed using the following method.
Of course, we always recommend discussing with a doctor, preferably someone specializing in iodine supplementation.
Detox Method
Dissolve 1/8 (up to 1/4 teaspoon) of Halodetox in 4 ounces of pure water. Follow immediately by drinking another 12-16 ounces of plain water (not with Halodetox). Repeat every 30-45 minutes until urination begins and symptoms ease. Use this method as needed for up to three days or as recommended by a medical professional.
Halodetox can be used to help support adrenal function, promote cellular hydration, and restore electrolytes for immune strength, focus, and energy.†
Suggested Use
The Adrenal Booster Drink may be used first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and throughout the day, as needed or recommended by a medical professional.
Dissolve 1/8 tsp (up to 1/4 teaspoon) in pure water and drink as desired. The water taste may be a guide for how much Halodetox is needed. The goal is for the drink to taste good with flavor but not overly salty or unpleasant. Depending on the flavor, use more or less Halodetox.
Special Notes
Halodetox may be used in other drinks, including juice, smoothies, and lemonade.
Yes, we order COAs for all of our supplements, and each production is batch tested.
Lugol's Solution of Iodine
Lugol's Iodine solutions range from products made for aquariums to supplements made for human consumption. Lugol's Iodine solutions range in concentrations containing 1 percent iodine to 15 percent iodine or more. However, in 2007 certain concentrations of Lugol's Iodine became regulated in the USA by the DEA, including Lugol's Iodine 5% in sizes greater than 1 oz/30 mL in a single transaction. Lugol's Iodine 2 % has roughly half the amount of iodine as Lugol's Iodine 5% and is not regulated by the DEA. However, not all of the Lugol's Iodine products are Dietary Supplements made under USP and cGMP standards for human use. Learn more about USP Verified Thiodine Lugol's Iodine Dietary Supplement.
Lugol's Iodine, also known as Lugol's Solution of Iodine or StrongIodine, is an aqueous mixture of potassium iodide and iodine in a 2 to 1 ratio. Lugol's Iodine was discovered in 1829 by the French physician Jean Lugol. The World Health Organization includes Lugol's Iodine on the List of Essential Medicines as one of the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system.
No. Lugol's Solution of Iodine is not a brand name. It's a product, just like coffee or tea, made by different companies, with varying strength, quality, purity, and manufacturing standards. Lugol's Iodine uses range from lab grade, chemical grade, animal grade, and USP dietary supplement grade for human use. As a result, most of Lugol's Iodine products on the market are not USP Grade dietary supplements. The USP Verified seal means the company guarantees, under legal commitment, that the dietary supplement meets or surpasses the USP Pharmacopeia quality standards for identity, potency, purity, and performance under strict manufacturing guidelines.
A USP Verified Lugol's Iodine Dietary Supplement like Thiodine is intended for internal use. Under the US Pharmacopeia, as a consumer, you are guaranteed the highest standards for quality, potency, purity, manufacturing, ingredients, liability, and safety. We recommend only consuming a Lugol's Iodine Dietary Supplement that's USP Verified, manufactured to meet the standards of the US Pharmacopeia. In terms of the benefits, the World Health Organization includes Lugol's Iodine on the list of Essential Medicines, as one of the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system.
Yes. Thiodine is a USP Verified Lugol's Iodine 5% Dietary Supplement, that's sustainably-sourced from deep-earth crystals and Made in the USA under strict cGMP.
There are three vital differences between Lugol's Iodine Dietary Supplements and Nascent Supplements. The type of iodine/iodide, dose, and other ingredients.
A Lugol's Iodine 5% Supplement like Thiodine contains both iodine and iodide, with approximately 7000 times more total iodine per bottle than Nascent Supplements. Thiodine is also an aqueous solution with pure distilled water, whereas Nascent Supplements may contain glycerin or alcohol.
Lugol's Iodine contains both iodide and iodine, needed for healthy functioning throughout the body, including the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland, a vital part of the endocrine system, helps regulate metabolism. To function properly in creating thyroid hormone, the thyroid gland requires iodine in the form of iodide. When the thyroid does not get enough iodine, hypothyroidism, thyroid goiter, and thyroid nodules can develop. Hypothyroidism is a condition where metabolism can slow down, and weight gain may occur. For people who aren't getting enough dietary iodine and have lowered thyroid function, a high-quality Lugol's Iodine Dietary Supplement like Thiodine may help support metabolic function, making weight management easier along with diet and exercise.†
The truth is that iodine isn’t an allergen. Iodine does not trigger an allergic reaction because it is found naturally inside the body, and we are born with iodine in every cell. Iodine is a mineral that all humans need and vital for growth, IQ, cognitive development, and thyroid function. The thyroid gland uses iodine to make hormones that support metabolism, heart health, brain function, and hormone balance. Low amounts of iodine can result in health issues. True iodine allergies are rare. If anything, iodine may help prevent allergic reactions. Learn the real cause of allergies.
No. Lugol's Iodine and Tincture of Iodine are entirely different. Tincture of Iodine is an antiseptic made with alcohol for topical use. Do not ingest a Tincture of Iodine. Lugol's Iodine is an aqueous (water-based) solution of iodine and potassium iodide. A high-quality USP Grade Lugol's Iodine Dietary Supplement made under cGMP standards should be safe for consumption.
A vertical drop simply means to hold the dropper pipette straight down, not at an angle. To dispense one drop, lightly squeeze the rubber bulb one time to dispense a single drop.
Please only use a USP Grade Lugol's Iodine Dietary Supplement under a medical practitioner's supervision and discuss any possible interactions with other medications.
Thiodine Lugol's Iodine tablets contain 7.5 milligrams of potassium iodide and 5.0 milligrams of molecular iodine, which equals 12.5 milligrams total iodine per tablet. The suggested serving is one tablet. For Thiodine Lugol's Iodine liquid, per vertical metric drop (0.05ml) contains approximately 2.5 milligrams of molecular iodine and 3.75 milligrams of potassium iodide, which equals about 6.25 milligrams total iodine. Two vertical metric drops contain approximately 5.0 milligrams iodine and 7.50 milligrams potassium iodide, which equals about 12.50 milligrams total iodine. The suggested serving size is two vertical drops.
Orange juice, citrus, vitamin C, and ascorbic acid may reduce the effectiveness of a Lugol's Iodine Dietary Supplement like Thiodine. Experts suggest taking a Lugol's Iodine Supplement one hour apart from any form of vitamin C.
Lugol's Iodine can stain skin and surfaces. If you spill Lugol's Iodine, don't worry, you have a few options. First, please note, that any stain or tinting from Lugol's Iodine will fade over time. If you need to clean the stain quickly, there are a few options depending on the surface or material. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid powder can be used to clean up Lugol's Iodine stains. Crush a Vitamin C tablet and mix with a small amount of water to make a paste. Rub the paste into the stained area until the discoloration disappears. Chlorine bleach can also be used to Lugol's Iodine stains. Always read the manufacturer's directions before using bleach.
When following the suggested use for Thiodine Lugol's Iodine Dietary Supplement there should not be an issue with taking too much. If you are concerned of course please seek medical help.
Our facility takes up to 2 business days to process orders, and from there, please allow 7-10 business days for delivery. After your order processes, you will receive an order confirmation and also a tracking number. While most orders ship sooner than that, delivery can take up to 10 business days.
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There are third-party shipping services that will receive shipments in the USA and arrange international delivery for you. We can't guarantee delivery outside the USA but many international customers use these services successfully.
If your order was damaged in transit, lost, or an incorrect item arrived, email us at, and we'll be happy to help. In some cases, mail carriers experience delays. Please allow 21 days before contacting us about a missing order.
Our supplements are excellent when used correctly and for those who need them. We provide detailed instructions and free coaching options to help you get started, including:
- Supplement Guides
- Miss Lizzy & The Thyroid Power Gang (free membership!)
- Supplement Jumpstart (free membership!)
These resources are designed to help you reach your goals.
If you have any questions, please join Miss Lizzy & The Thyroid Power Gang and reach out to us!
Returns Policy
Please make sure our supplements are right for you, including getting any testing and talking with your healthcare provider, before purchasing. If you order and change your mind, please note the following returns policy:
- We accept returns of unopened products only
- We DO NOT accept returns of opened or damaged products
- Return requests must be initiated within 14 days of delivery
- There is a $10 restocking fee
- We do not pay for return shipping
- You are responsible for properly packaging returned items
- We do not refund lost returns
- Returns must be received within 30 days of the original delivery
If you would like to return an unopened product, please see our returns page to begin the returns process.
Once the items arrive back in our warehouse and are processed (approx 2-3 weeks), you will be automatically refunded back to the card used to purchase the items. Note: We can't refund damaged or opened items so please ensure your return is safely packaged. Please also keep a tracking link as proof of the return to ensure faster processing. We can't be responsible for lost returns.
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If you placed an order for multiple items using a promotion code and decide to return some of the items in the order (per our returns policy), the refund will be the difference between the promotion price and the regular full-priced item(s) you are keeping.
For example, if you order 2 supplements for $89 with free shipping using a promo code, one item cannot be returned for a refund price of $44.50 (half the cost of the promotional price). The refund will be the difference between the promotion price ($89) minus the single full-priced item you are keeping ($77), which would equal a refund of $12.
As another example, for a bundled promotion of 3 supplements for $129 with free shipping, if two items are returned (per our returns policy), the refund would be the difference between $129 and $77, which equals $52. We do not refund shipping costs or provide returns for cash. Customers are responsible for return shipping costs and safe delivery of undamaged products, as noted in our returns policy.
Unopened orders/products can be returned for a full refund within 14 days of delivery,
Discounts cannot be used on kits or combined with any other promo codes/offers/discounts. Offers not valid on previous purchases. Not valid for cash or credit.
With Subscribe and Save your order is already locked in at a discount which includes free shipping, so for that reason, we are not able to apply another code. Thank you for your understanding. If you want to apply the code to a one-time order you certainly can.
Customer Service
There are a few ways to reach our team.
- Join our community Miss Lizzy & The Thyroid Power Gang and start a chat with Rebecca Smith or Miss Lizzy. If you have an order number, please include that information so we can quickly find your account
- Send us an email